Time and Learning Management Systems for Homeschoolers


Time and Learning Management Systems for Homeschoolers

Coggno Inc. | Jun, 4 2010

As a homeschool parent, you will become a pro in management. What kind of management? Two kinds–time management and learning management.

Time management will become second nature to you as a homeschooler. Although learning management systems and other online learning materials are relatively mess-free, you’ll be doing all kinds of projects (including art and science) that will inevitably cause clutter. And lesson-planning and clutter-cleaning are on top of the regular house chores.

If you’re a real neat-freak, you should probably think long and hard about homeschooling in the first place. But just like finding alone time, time management will save you. Take advantage of <<learning management system>> time or other low maintenance activities to tackle laundry and other household chores.

Learning management can be greatly aided with a learning management system and other online tools.Home educators have a great deal of work to do, and a learning management system can help with things like grading, record-keeping, and lesson planning. With a learning management system like Coggno, you can also create quizzes, tests and videos.

A world of tools is available to homeschool students, including LMSs offered by Christian academies and other institutions to suit the religious beliefs of the families who use them. Homeschooling should never be a solitary enterprise. Take advantage of the support and educational tools available online and in your community.

Coggno’s free courseware system syndicator allows you to upload your course content and publicize it on Coggno’s marketplace. Coggno equips you with all the tools–including easy-to-use text editor, assessment , quiz and video tools–to create a unique and completely customized courseware design. You have total control over both the creation and the maintenance of your courseware system.

Time and learning management will be key for you as a homeschool parent, not only practically but financially. Homeschool parents usually aren’t able to work outside of the home, so a family which is accustomed to two incomes may need to adjust accordingly. However, homeschooling itself–especially integrated with a learning management system or other online supplements, can be done very inexpensively.

Coggno is now offering a free trial for home educators on its learning management system. Create online training courses for home use, or for syndication.


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