Enjoyable and Manageable LMS Courses

LMS courses

Enjoyable and Manageable LMS Courses

Coggno Inc. | Jan, 19 2009

Create Engaging LMS Courses For Your Employees


Online classes can be fun if educators make them enjoyable. Coggno Learning Management System (LMS) is the home for these online classes, but what matters is what’s inside those lessons.

This blog is all about that. Scroll down with us and create engaging LMS courses for your employees.

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Using Interesting Elements In LMS Courses: Pictures, Videos, And Sounds

You can use colorful pictures, short videos, and interesting audio to make learning pleasing. However, these elements should be used only where they are required. They should not deviate from the primary purpose of your course.



How To Do It Right

Follow the below steps.

Balancing Words And Fun Elements

It’s like mixing words and playable things in a lesson. Too many words can be tedious, but too much of the fun element can make it hard to focus. Mix them just right to keep learning interesting.

Making Pictures And Videos Work Better 

Compressed-resolution images and short videos load quickly, so you don’t have to wait. Also, use Graphics Interchange Format (GIFs) because they’re small and more fun than still ones.

Adding Interactive Quizzes And Games 

Including quizzes or fun hunger games in lessons can be exciting. It’s like a break from reading and watching. Learners can learn and enjoy themselves at the same time.

Encouraging Discussions And Collaboration

Allow learners to interact with one another about what they’re learning. Open discussions help us understand things better.

Utilizing Virtual Tours Or Simulations

Sometimes, taking learners on a virtual trip or showing how things work through simulations can make learning more authentic and enjoyable.

Incorporating Real-Life Examples

Sharing real stories or examples related to the lesson can make it more exciting and easy to understand.

Using Humor

Adding humor to the learning can make students smile and keep their attention. However, the humor must be related to the lesson.


Customizing the courses according to the learners’ needs can make learning more enjoyable.

Including Surprises Or Challenges 

Occasionally, surprising students with interesting facts or challenging questions can keep them engaged and curious.

Creating Personal Connections 

Sharing personal experiences or asking students about their own experiences related to the lesson can make learning more relatable and enjoyable.



Making Lessons Work Better

Here’s how you can make lessons work better: 

Checking Links And Page Size 

Make sure all the links work well. Broken links can make it hard to learn. Also, keep the whole lesson under 20 KB so it loads fast, even on slow internet.

Using Coggno for Better Learning

Coggno has excellent tools for online learning. We help teachers and educators make lessons more engaging. With our tools, you can make learning enjoyable without slowing the lesson.

Ensuring Clear Instructions 

Write instructions that are easy to understand. Confusing directions can make learning less fun and more frustrating.

Encouraging Feedback And Improvement 

Ask learners what they think about the lessons. Their feedback can help make lessons even better.

Providing Varied Assignments And Projects 

Different kinds of assignments keep things fresh. Learners might enjoy doing videos, writing, or making presentations instead of just reading or answering questions.

Setting Achievable Challenges

Giving students challenging tasks, not too easy or hard, can keep them interested and motivated.

Offering Regular Breaks 

Taking short breaks during lessons can help students stay focused and refreshed.

Incorporating Peer Reviews 

Letting students review each other’s work can make learning more interactive and help them learn from each other.

Celebrating Learning Milestones 

Acknowledging when students reach specific goals can motivate them and make learning more enjoyable.

Encouraging Self-Expression 

Allowing students to express their thoughts or opinions freely can make the learning environment more comfortable and engaging.


A close up of a Coggno Extensive Library of over 10000 courses image


Conclusion: Making Learning Fun For Everyone

It is essential to make lessons fun and interesting. Using different approaches and interactive elements can make learning online much better, and Coggno can help you do so in just the right way.

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