Critiques of Virtual World Learning Systems


Critiques of Virtual World Learning Systems

Coggno Inc. | Nov, 28 2008

Critiques of Virtual World Learning SystemsThe idea of using of virtual worlds in a school learning system may at first be dismissed along with the virtual world terminology of guilds, trolls and orcs.

Additionally, many parents whose children’s teachers are adding virtual worlds to the classroom learning system may not like the idea, for a variety of reasons. One is the highly addictive quality of the games, especially World of Warcraft. The possibility of getting kids addicted to virtual worlds in a school learning system setting may not set well with many people.

Another complaint is the advertising industry’s role in virtual worlds. While World of Warcraft doesn’t allow selling in-world items to be sold for real cash, some worlds like Entropia and Second Life employ players–often teenagers–whose avatars go about their virtual lives trying to sell products.

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