3 Great Ways to Use Podcasts in Your LMS Language Course


3 Great Ways to Use Podcasts in Your LMS Language Course

Coggno Inc. | May, 13 2010

If you’re creating an online language course, remember that the same rule of thumb goes for both adults and students: make it fun. If language isn’t learned in an interactive way, about 85% of the time it isn’t learned at all. A dry, pdf- or textbook-based course just doesn’t provide the oft-needed push to improve a language skill.

Language is alive–it needs to come off the paper. So how can you create a dynamic language course for hosting on a learning management system or other online learning platform? How do you get language to come off the proverbial paper?

Podcasts are a great way to do make language fun in an online course. They are the newest rage in language learning tools, and are simple to create and integrate into your online course.

Three good uses of podcasts an online training course are as reinforcements to learning activities, reminders, and listening and comprehension exercises.

First, you can create a podcast to supplement and reinforce course learning material, or review an activity. Podcasts are convenient and portable, and perfect for language students with busy schedules. Completing homework just by listening to an ipod is a great way to pass the time on the car or train commute home!

Second, you can include reminders in your podcast to tell your learners what to expect in the next activity or lesson. Students will then be able to anticipate the content and be better prepared to learn and practice a new concept.

Third, create podcasts with interesting content to serve as listening and comprehension exercises. Providing intriguing material that piques learners’ interest is essential to any learning management system podcast. Otherwise your learner’s attention will begin to slip. Make it fun!

Right now, Coggno is offering a free trial on its learning management system, which includes the Apple Podcast Producer. Create a language course for free, either for internal use, Coggno’s E-learning Marketplace, or for outside syndication on hundreds of websites.


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